So much has happened in 2017. Let’s have a look back at a fantastic year for Movin’ On:
- The big news of 2017 was the debut of officially licensed, remastered DVDs, which are for sale at and It took a lot of work but we finally made it happen. Many thanks to the fans for your patience and support, and to Steve, Arny, and Ron at PRO for getting us there.
- Movin’ On began streaming on Amazon Prime. We continue to stream on Hulu, Youtube, and Yahoo View.
- Because of an innocuous comment about an unknown little girl, Movin’ On fans scoured the internet and located Alison Grooms, who, at age five, played Charley in the episode “Will The Last Trucker Leaving Charlotte, Please Turn Out The Lights”. I spoke with Alison and published her comments and the photos she sent us. See the full interview and photos here:
- We posted an additional ten of Barry Weitz’s Movin’ On Memories to Facebook and also added them to our website’s Episode Guide Details. Fans can now read what the Movin’ On Creator had to say about actors, writers, directors, and locations for twenty-nine episodes!
- The Big Green Movin’ On Kenworth starred at GATS with owner Paul Sagehorn. For three days it attracted crowds, was photographed, and then left with new owner, Mark Stracener. Mark has already been a great addition to the Movin’ On family! He has the big rig on public display at Art & Speed in Collierville TN, just outside Memphis. Mark has also been enlisted to help Bill and Dennis administer the Movin’ On Fan page. It’s great to have you with us, Mark!
- Speaking of Bill Bazen and Dennis Johnson, they continue to do a fine job leading discussions with fans and posting everything that comes to them from people all over the country. Bill’s latest kick is tracking down local newspaper articles reporting about when the Movin’ On circus came to town.
- In 2017 our Facebook likes grew to over 3700. That’s a 22% gain over one year!
- Also continuing strong is the Movin’ On Museum. Bill’s had over 1000 visits and loves nothing more than showing off his wonderful collection of memorabilia. Stop by when you’re near Wake Forrest, NC. But please call ahead!
On the sad side we lost a real friend of the family in 2017. Bill’s sister, Brenda, passed after a long illness. We will all miss her.
Looking forward to 2018 –
- We hope to remaster In Tandem, the Movin’ On Pilot! Once that is done, releasing it on DVD would be the next step.
- We signed an agreement with Truckworx, a major Kenworth dealership with locations in Alabama and Mississippi, to build new, Movin’ On, “Special Edition” Kenworth tractors! Each big rig will boast the Movin’ On paint scheme and other Movin’ On goodies. Truckworx expects to show off a pair of them at GATS 2018, alongside Mark’s original. Visit Truckworx and get yours so you can “Do it like Pruitt”!
- We hope to make original Movin’ On music available to fans. Our show had well known composers and we’d love to highlight their contributions to Movin’ On. What can be done is unclear at this point, but the desire to do something is strong.
Lastly, a very, very long shot for 2018 is a reboot! I only mention it because Barry and I have spoken with a talent agency and they are exploring opportunities. Take it with a grain of salt people.

Barry in the cab of Movin’ On Kenworth